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School News

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  • 07/07/23

    Year 2 - RE

    Year 2 did a wonderful job of performing a creation poem in RE. For more photos click here.
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  • 05/07/23

    Year 4 - Pizza making

    As part of their DT project this term, Year 4 have researched, taste tested, designed pizzas and packaging for their pizzas to go in. This week they had the opportunity to make their own pizza and use their designs to "brand" their pizza boxes. Huge thanks to Zio's Italian at Halfway f...
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  • 05/07/23

    Yellow Class - Forest School

    Unfortunately, it was heavy rain for Yellow class but at least we managed to spend some time outside to look at the minibeasts and make fairy doors. When we went inside, we made little fairies that we can leave at our fairy doors when it is a little bit drier! For more photos click here. 
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  • 04/07/23

    Red Class - Marble treat

    We had a great time in Red Class on Monday afternoon eating treats with our cuddly toys from home.  We played a few games together as part of our treat including duck duck goose, four corners and dusty bluebells. For more photos click here. 
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  • 30/06/23

    Quad kids

    Some children participated in the Quad Kids competition at ACS Cobham this week. Well done to everyone who took part. For more photos click here.
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  • 30/06/23

    Year 5 - Wintershall

    Year 5 had a wonderful time watching 'The Life of Christ' at Wintershall on Wednesday.  The play is performed outside and is very true to scripture, making it an excellent educational experience for the children.  It was lovely to see the children being able to quote parts of scrip...
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  • 30/06/23

    Violet Class - Learning about the Islam faith

    Violet Class looked at the Islam faith this week. They learnt about praying as a Muslim. For more photos click here.
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  • 30/06/23

    Year 4 - Geography

    On Wednesday morning, the children in Year 4 went on a local walk as part of their Geography topic.   The children drew a map of the road labelling the different roads and types of land use that they saw. They were amazed by the number of cars and vehicles that travelled down Mol...
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  • 23/06/23

    Year 4 Prayer Council to Arundel Cathedral

    On Thursday 22nd June representatives from the Year 4 Prayer Council went to The Good Shepherd celebration at Arundel Cathedral. Bishop Richard led the liturgy with contributions from schools across the diocese. It was a wonderful celebration reflecting on what it means to part of the flock wit...
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  • 23/06/23

    Year 5 - Elmbridge Festival

    Year 5 performed beautifully at the Elmbridge Music Festival at ACS Cobham on Thursday! They sang a range of songs from the Musicals in a combined choir with other local schools, then stole the show with their own rendition of 'Any Dream Will Do' from Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Drea...
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  • 23/06/23

    Maths Week - Coral Class

    Coral class enjoyed tackling school budget challenges during Maths week! For more photos click here. 
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  • 23/06/23


    Last Thursday, the Eco- Committee went on a trip to visit Elmbridge Community Eco Hub. Michael Tumilty led us around the allotment beds filled with vegetables,  showed us the drought resistant plants in the flower bed and a fairly new pond already established with newts and dragon flies. All th...
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