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School News

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  • 15/09/23

    Violet Class - Creation

    Violet Class have been learning about the Creation story through, art and drama.
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  • 13/09/23

    Yellow Class - Forest School

    The first forest school session went off with a 'tweet' with yellow class. We investigated common garden birds, tried out their birds' calls, and made our own nest for 'Jack Sparrow'. We then had fun looking for birds through binoculars in our own bird hide, created tasty tr...
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  • 08/09/23

    Amethyst Class - Fr Richard visit

    Fr Richard visited Amethyst class this afternoon on the Birthday of the Mary, Mother of Christ. He gave us a brief History lesson and explained how time is recorded after the birth of Jesus as the Year of Our Lord.
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  • 21/07/23

    Auntie Agnes - Shoe Donations

    A huge thank you to everyone who donated shoes to Auntie Agnes school in Uganda, and £1s to help with transport costs. We received an unbelievable amount of shoes, and are still counting the donations... The school are extremely grateful for all your support. 
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  • 21/07/23

    Year 5 - Stewardship

    Year 5 are focused on the concept of stewardship. Researching specific issue facing our planet and writing speeches to express their understanding. For more photos click here.
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  • 14/07/23

    ChessFest 2023

    The Chess club had a wonderful day in London at ChessFest on Thursday. They had lessons from chess tutors, played in a tournament and even played a simultaneous game against a Grandmaster. For more photos click here.
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  • 14/07/23

    Year 4 - Mosque visit

    On Wednesday, Year 4 visited the Shah Jahan Mosque in Woking as part of World Faiths Week. The Shah Jahan Mosque was built in 1889 and was the first purpose built Mosque in the UK and Northern Europe. This inspiring visit gave Year 4 a unique oppo...
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  • 14/07/23

    Reception - Growing vegetables

    Reception have been growing vegetables outside and this week saw the first one appear. We were very excited to pick our first carrot.
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  • 14/07/23

    Year 3 - Fieldwork

    Year 3 carried out some fieldwork at Coronation Recreation Ground, looking at the facilities in the area. This included the quality of playground equipment, availability of seating and bins and the design of the carpark. We look forward to using our findings to design our own playgrounds. For more p...
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  • 14/07/23

    Orange Class - Forest School

    Orange Class had a wonderful time with their forest school experience this week. For more photos click here.
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  • 12/07/23

    Year 2 - Totem poles

    Year 2 were decorating totem poles this week. For more photos click here.
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  • 12/07/23

    Year 2 - Rabbi Visit

    Rabbi Zvi visited Year 2 during World Faith week to speak about Shabbat.
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