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School News

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  • 21/06/23

    Maths Week - Reception & KS1

    On Wednesday Reception and KS1 were visited by Mrs. Haddow. As part of Maths Week Mrs. Haddow spoke to the children about The Bank of England, why we have money and the history of money. The children were very interested in the gold bars!  
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  • 21/06/23

    Green Class - Forest School

    The rain held off for Green class as they enjoyed their Forest School session this week. They found little spots of beauty, created fairy or creature doors and planted vegetables in our garden beds all based on the book,' Through the Fairy Door' by Lars van de Goor.  Well done...
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  • 21/06/23

    Maths Week - Year 4

    What a fabulous start to 'Maths Week' at Cardinal Newman School.  Year 4 were visited by Mrs Gomez, who is a mechanical engineer. She explained how the production process works and how maths is vitally important in product design from shape and size of packaging, quantities of materials...
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  • 16/06/23

    District Sports Competition

    Cardinal Newman thoroughly enjoyed the District Sports competition at The Xcel on Tuesday 13th June. Mrs. Williams was very proud of the whole team! The running, jumping and throwing events made for a fun packed day. Thank you to all the parent helpers and a special thank you to Mr. Fenton who...
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  • 16/06/23

    Year 4 - Life Bus

    It's great to be me! Year 4 discussed how important it was to get enough: oxygen, sleep, food, exercise and water. For more photos click here.
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  • 16/06/23

    Year 4 - Digestion

    Year 4 have been exploring the question 'What happens to my breakfast?' using every day objects to represent the different parts of the system. For more photos click here.
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  • 16/06/23

    Ruby Class - Forest School

    Ruby class enjoyed cooling off in the shade for their Forest School session on Tuesday. We looked for small spots of beauty, created nature and fairy doors and gave back to the environment by doing some  gardening in our school vegetable patch. The children then created a feast in the...
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  • 16/06/23

    Violet Class - clockwise and anti-clockwise

    Violet went outside when learning about clockwise and anti clockwise movements.
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  • 14/06/23

    Year 6 - Favourite memories

    Year 6 have been thinking about their favourite memories from their time at Cardinal Newman - the one that appears most is their trip to High Ashurst in Year 5. For more photos click here.
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  • 14/06/23

    Year 5 & 6 - Sports Day

    Year 5 and 6 enjoyed participating in both sprinting and novelty races (the ball between the knees was challenging for year 5!).  The final relay races were exciting, with all the children cheering on their house. Well done to all who took part.  For more photos click here.
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