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School News

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  • 20/10/23

    Year 2 - Speech bubbles and a materials hunt!​​​​​​​

    This week Year 2 have been learning about speech bubbles and speech marks. This was linked to their learning about Jack and the beanstalk.  Year 2 also went on a materials hunt this week. They were identifying materials around the school and making tally charts. 
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  • 20/10/23

    TTRockstars 20.10.23

    Well done Year 3 - you three have made the most improvement in your times tables this week!  
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  • 19/10/23

    Foodbank Donations

    Year 4 Prayer Council members helped to pack and deliver the Foodbank donations which totalled over 300kg!! Thank you once again for your generosity.
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  • 12/10/23

    Topaz Class - Forest School

    Topaz had a wonderful time in Forest School this Tuesday, enjoying the autumn sun. They saw a real Blue Tit nest and made their own for Jack Sparrow. He couldn't choose the winner! They also investigated bird calls and made their own bird feeder.  In their free play session, they built dens...
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  • 06/10/23

    Prayer Council 2023-24

    A photo of the prayer council for 2023/24.
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  • 06/10/23

    Year 2 -Judaism​​​​​​​

    As part of our work on Judaism, Year Two made challah, a sweet, plaited Jewish bread traditionally enjoyed during Shabbat. The best part, of course, was tasting it at the end of the day! For more photos click here.
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  • 04/10/23

    Violet Class - Forest School

    Violet class enjoyed the October sun in Forest school this week. They learnt about common garden birds, mimicked their songs and built a nest for our own Jack Sparrow.  After that they explored the space, making mud pies, using our bird hide, and making bird feeders. Well done Violet class. For...
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  • 29/09/23

    Amethyst Class - Mission Week

    What a fantastic week.  From attending Mass at St Erconwald's to getting to know the new reception children with cake this afternoon and teaching them 'My Lighthouse' it has been a wonderful way to show service to others in our school community. Thank you to everyone who donated mon...
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  • 29/09/23

    TTRockstars 29.09.23

    Well done year 3 for being 'Top of the Rocks' for the past two weeks! 
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  • 29/09/23

    Year 4 - Cowey Sale

    On Thursday Year 4 enjoyed a trip to Walton where they went on a boat trip on The River Thames looking at how the river was formed and completed a tally chart of boats, bridges and people that they saw. They also sketched and then used watercolour paints to recreate their own Walton Bridge painting...
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  • 28/09/23

    Blue Class - Forest School

    Blue class had a fantastic forest school session on Tuesday. They learnt garden bird names and their calls, made nests for Jack Sparrow and looked for birds in our own hide. They then had time looking for bugs, playing in the mud kitchen and creating a pretend campfire. Well done Blue class. For mor...
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  • 22/09/23

    Riverhouse Barn Art Exhibition

    Thank you to everyone who visited the Riverhouse Barn Art Exhibition last week. Well done to all the children, it looked fantastic! For more photos click here
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