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School News

Page 39

  • 11/03/22

    Top of the Rocks

    The winners this week for Top of the Rocks are Michele - Coral, Freddie - Coral, Oscar - Opal. Well done all!
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  • 11/03/22

    Costume sale for Ukraine appeal

    The Costume sale for the Ukraine appeal was a great success! For more photos click here
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  • 11/03/22

    Sapphire class

    Sapphire Class using hot seating techniques to develop persuasive writing skills - they took to the task with great enthusiasm. For more photos, please click here.
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  • 09/03/22

    Reception - Gardening

    Reception went out to investigate where plants grow. For more photos, click here.
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  • 08/03/22

    Tag Rugby will be on Friday 11th March

    Tag Rugby will be going ahead this Friday 11th March, this will be the last session before we break up for Easter. 
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  • 04/03/22

    Parent Reading Workshop, 28th February 2022

    Please click here to see the presentation from the Parent Reading Workshop, 28th February 2022
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  • 04/03/22

    World Book Day! 4/3/22

    Everyone had a great time dressing up for World Book Day! For more photo's click here and the padlet here
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  • 03/03/22

    Ash Wednesday 2/3/22

    Our Ash Wednesday liturgies were led by Mrs Sharp and the Prayer Council. For more photos please click here
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  • 03/03/22

    Orange class w/e 4/3/22

    Orange class using dice to generate number sentences and preparing for Lent. For more photos,  please click here.
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  • 25/02/22

    Sapphire class Mission Week 25/2/22

    Sapphire Class celebrated their Mission Week to mark Our Lady of Lourdes and World Day for the Sick.  In recognition that ill health can be both physical and mental, Sapphire class ran 7 mental health stations across the EYFS/KS1/KS2 playgrounds which included, praying...
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  • 25/02/22

    Y3 Wisley trip 24/2/2022

    Year 3 enjoying learning all about plants during our trip to RHS Wisley. For more photos, click here.
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