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School News

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  • 18/03/22

    Year 4 - height of a tree measurements

    Maths club took advantage of the good weather and took it outside to investigate how to find the height of a tree.  We used tape measures and enjoyed comparing answers and strategies. We also discussed how to measure trees when we didn't have a tape measure and decided knowing the size o...
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  • 18/03/22

    Opal Class Mass - 11/03/2022

    Opal Class celebrated Mass with Fr Richard and their families.  Thank you to the all the children who read, sang and participated beautifully,  to the parents for joining us and finally, to Fr Richard for celebrating Mass with us and  allowing us a small insight into his preparations...
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  • 18/03/22

    Year 4 Stations of the Cross

    For more photos click here.
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  • 18/03/22

    Forest School - Spring Term

    This term the children have been focusing on the fairy tale story - The Billy Goats Gruff. We have been creating our own trolls out of natural materials, constructing our own bridges and finally acting out our version of the story! For more photos click here.
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  • 18/03/22


    The children had great fun drawing art illustrations during book week. For more photos click here. 
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  • 18/03/22

    TTRocksters Top of the Rocks 18/03/2022

    Congratulations to these 2 for earning the highest TT rockstar points this week!
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  • 18/03/22

    Reception - planting and balancing

    Reception were preparing to plant bulbs and learning about balancing in the outdoor area. For more photos please click here.
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  • 18/03/22

    Maths Club - Incredible Flying Machines

    Maths club investigated the world of flight and discovered Leonardo Da Vinci designed the first flying machine in 1490.  The children designed and made their own planes and flew them.  They used a tape measure to discover which design travelled the furthest. For more photos click here.
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  • 18/03/22

    Year 4 Roman Assembly

    Year 4 did a fantastic job at their Roman Assembly on Tuesday. For more photos click here.
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  • 18/03/22

    Engineering Solutions - Year 6

    Last week, some pupils from Cardinal Newman entered a competition that asked them to look at the world around them and find engineered solutions to common problems. Here is one of our ideas! For more photos click here.
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  • 11/03/22

    Visit from author Michael de Sousa 10/3/22

    Visit from author Michael de Sousa 10/3/22. For more photos click here.
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  • 11/03/22

    Lenten Lunch 9/3/22

    The children took part in a simple lunch for Lent. More photos here. 
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