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School News

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  • 16/12/22

    Blue Class - Art Project

    Can you find your toadstool? In November Blue class were given a 'toadstool mission' to support the Riverhouse Barn with their annual Christmas exhibition. This year the theme is 'Little Red Riding Hood.' Our toadstools have helped to create the beautiful woodland landscape alongs...
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  • 16/12/22

    Pantomime - Beauty and the Beast

    On Wednesday, the children gathered in the hall to watch a pantomime called Beauty and the Beast.  The two actors, Rosie and Louis, entertained us all for an hour as we watched the magical story unfold.  We roared, sang, danced, booed and cheered throughout the show in true...
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  • 14/12/22

    Sherwood House Carol Singing

    Last week, members of the choir spread some festive cheer, carol singing to the residents of Sherwood House Care Home - a lovely afternoon which was enjoyed and appreciated by one and all. 
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  • 09/12/22

    Prayer Council

    Members of the Prayer Council have been busy during Advent making cards and sweets for the residents of Whitely Village.  For more photos click here.
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  • 07/12/22

    Ruby Class - Forest School

    Ruby class enjoyed the winter sun and made Christmas decorations for our forest tree, made mud pies, explored the tunnel found a caterpillar and even did some litter picking! Well done Ruby Class. For more photos click here.
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  • 02/12/22

    Blue Class - Forest School

    Blue class got to work decorating the Environmental Area trees and making Christmas decorations for their trees at home.  They also made mud pies, looked for bugs and built some amazing structures. Well done Blue Class! For more photos click here.
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  • 01/12/22

    Coral Class - Fore​st School

    Coral class enjoyed learning about the shortest day of year and building structures that could capture the event. They also decorated real trees and made decorations for their own Christmas trees at home. Well done Coral Class. For more photos click here.
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  • 25/11/22

    Opal Class - Forest School

    Opal class got into the festive spirit by decorating the Environmental Area with Garlands and making decorations for the Christmas tree. They also built structures, made mud pies and went bug hunting. Well done Opal class! For more photos click here.
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  • 25/11/22

    TTRockatars 25.11.22

    Congratulations to this week's 3 rockstars!
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  • 24/11/22

    Music - Salesian's Jazz Band

    The children all enjoyed an amazing concert from Salesian Jazz Band, who played some festive favourites and explained their instruments to the pupils. 
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  • 24/11/22

    Year 4 - Maths Workshop

    Children from Year 4 spent the day in a workshop with 'Mathmagician' Andrew Jeffrey and children from St George's, Bell Farm, St Charles Borromeo working through mathematical problems and learning magic tricks. The children enjoyed working collaboratively with other schools and left...
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