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School News

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  • 19/01/23

    Father Ruslan visits Year 4

    Fr Ruslan visited Year 4 today and answered some of their questions.  The children were surprised that he decided to become a Priest when he was 18, and that it took 8 years before he was ordained.  It was interesting to hear about his journey and that he has worked in five parishes...
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  • 19/01/23

    Year 4 - Science

    In science Year 4 investigated how sound travels and made telephones to help answer their questions. For more photos click here.
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  • 13/01/23

    TTRockstars 13.01.23

    Congratulations to the first winners of 2023!
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  • 13/01/23

    Violet Class - Seasons

    Violet Class have been learning about seasonal change. They worked together in groups to create these posters.
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  • 11/01/23

    Updated School Menu

    Please find updated menu here for Autumn/Winter 2022/23. 
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  • 11/01/23

    Key Stage 2 Reading Workshop 11th January 2023

      Please click here for the KS2 Reading workshop presentation.
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  • 21/12/22

    Christmas Collective Worship

    Christmas Collective Worship for more photos click here.
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  • 21/12/22

    Opal Class Angels and Christmas Cards

    Opal Class Angels and Christmas Cards. Click here for more photos
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  • 19/12/22

    Orange Class - Christmas party and lunch

    Orange Class very much enjoyed their Christmas party and Christmas lunch!
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  • 16/12/22

    Christmas lunch

    Year 5 and 6 enjoying their Christmas lunch. For more photos click here.
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  • 16/12/22

    Prayer Council delivery charity donations

    Today members of the Year 6 Prayer Council with Mrs Sharp and Mrs McCauley dropped off the donations we had collected for Stripey Stork. The charity were very grateful at our generosity. Thank you for sending in your items. They stopped at Whiteley Village on the way back to deliver Christmas cards...
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  • 16/12/22

    TTRockstars 16.12.22

    Well done to the final times tables superstars of 2022! Well done to everyone who has achieved a certificate this term - Mrs Simpkin is looking forward to seeing some new faces in the new year!  
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