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School News

Page 35

  • 05/05/22

    Is your child starting year 3 in September 2022?

    Is your child starting year 3 in September 2022? For a taster afternoon in school, please click here for more details. 
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  • 05/05/22

    A busy week in Reception

    A busy week in Reception. Bridge making as part of the Talk for Writing unit, capacity and target shooting as part of PE. For more photos click here. 
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  • 05/05/22

    Rosary Collective Worship

    On Tuesday 3rd May, the Year 6 Prayer Council helped to lead whole school collective about the Rosary. We will be praying the Rosary regularly during the month of May. For more photos click here. 
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  • 05/05/22

    Key Stage 1 Lead (SLT) Vacancy

    We currently have a vacancy for a Key Stage 1 Lead (SLT). Click here for more information.
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  • 29/04/22

    Orange Class Forest School

    For more photos click here.
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  • 29/04/22

    School Council Trip to Parliament

    For more photos click here.
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  • 29/04/22


    On Monday, we were fortunate to send a team to take part in the Panathlon Challenge at Cleves school.  This is a fantastic event for children of all abilities with a variety of tasks and challenges.  They were fantastic ambassadors for our school and did us all proud with their teamwork an...
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  • 29/04/22

    Year 1 - Visit to All Saints

    For more photos click here.
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  • 29/04/22

    Year 4 - DT microbit workshop

    For more photos click here.
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  • 29/04/22

    Reception - making patterns

    Reception have been busy learning about patterns. For more photos click here.
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  • 29/04/22

    Ruby class - maths

    Ruby class working hard on our fractions topic this week. For more photos click here.
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