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School News

Page 33

  • 27/05/22

    Blue class forest school

    Blue class were expert bug collectors on Thursday, managing to find stag beetles, millipedes, earwigs, and woodlice! They also created delicious mud pies, minibeast artwork and mini bug hotels. Well done Blue Class! For more photos click here. 
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  • 27/05/22

    Year 4 Science workshop

    Pupils from Year 4 were joined by children from Ashley School and St Charles Borromeo for  a workshop on Evolution.  Natural Historian, Andrew Smith, brought in a variety of  creatures from around the world, including snakes, african snails and tarantulas! For more photos click here...
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  • 27/05/22

    Reception trip to Godstone Farm

    Reception enjoyed their visit to Godstone Farm. For more photos click here.
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  • 27/05/22

    Year 4 - Maya workshop

    Year 4 had a very special visit from Dr Diane Davies, an archaeologist specialising in the Maya, a culture from Central America. Dr Davies is the only Maya expert in the UK and shared her experiences with the children.  They had the opportunity to  ask questions about the fascinating...
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  • 26/05/22

    Vacany for Class Teacher - lower KS2

    We currently have a vacancy for a Class Teacher - lower KS2 For more information please click here. The job description can be found here. 
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  • 20/05/22

    Yellow Class Mission Week

    Yellow Class Mission Week: Looking after God’s World and National Walking Week. For more photos click here. 
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  • 20/05/22

    Coral Class Forest School

    Coral class braved the rainy weather this morning and ended up finding lots of beetles and snails! They also made their own version of 'Bake off' in the mud kitchen, built dens, and created snail homes. Well done Coral Class! For more photos click here.
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  • 20/05/22

    Reception - Friends

    Father Richard visited Reception and introduced the new topic of ‘Friends’.
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  • 20/05/22

    Topaz Class - Art

    Topaz still life art inspired by Georgia O'Keefe  Topaz class have been studying the work of Georgia O'Keefe. They finished this with the creation of their own piece of work inspired by her studies of flowers.   For more photos click here.
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  • 20/05/22

    TTRockstars 20.5.22

    Congratulations to our Rockstars this week!
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