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School News

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  • 24/06/22

    Year 1 trip to Brooklands

    Year 1 children exploring transport at Brooklands Museum! For more photos click here.
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  • 24/06/22

    Science Day competition winners

    Well done to all children who took part in the engineering competition on Science day! The task was to build a robust tower out of different everyday materials. It was great to see such enthusiasm and teamwork from everyone. For more photos click here.
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  • 24/06/22


    Reception were busy making bird feeders and completing a science challenge. For more photos click here. 
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  • 24/06/22

    Science Day Photos 23.6.22

    Please click here to see the padlet photos from Science Day yesterday. 
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  • 24/06/22

    Science Day

    Salesian students came to see our Year 6 pupils to show them what they have been making in Engineering Club – we had an excellent time listening and learning about the design process. For more photos click here.
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  • 24/06/22

    Fulham Football Summer camps

    Please see clickable flyer here for more information. 
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  • 24/06/22

    Good Shepherd Celebration

    On Wednesday 22nd June, the Year 4 Prayer Council took part in the Good Shepherd celebration at Worth Abbey.  This is a wonderful celebration where all the schools in the diocese come together to pray ad worship with Bishop Richard.  The Lent charity collections from all the schools w...
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  • 24/06/22

    Year 5 trip to Wintershall

    On Tuesday 21st June, Year 5 had the exciting opportunity to see the Life of Christ performed at Wintershall in Bramley.  They were enthralled by seeing the scripture come to life with real animals and even a real baby Jesus!  This experience will help to extend their learning in RE a...
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  • 24/06/22

    Year 4 map skills

    Year 4 using their maps skills to plan a day out for Mrs Simpkin's sons using Ordnance Survey maps and 4 figure grid references. For more photos click here.
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  • 17/06/22

    New Italian club starting in September!

    New Italian club starting in September. For more information, click here. 
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  • 17/06/22

    Keys found

    These keys were found on the path from Coronation Rec carpark and handed into the Youth club by a helpful passer-by. They may well belong to a parent. Please let us know if they belong to you. 
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  • 17/06/22

    Rainbow Raffle 8th July

    We will be holding a mufti day on Friday 24th June to create hampers for our Summer Rainbow 🌈 Raffle. Children are to dress in mufti (not Year 1 who are going on a school trip and should still wear uniform) and bring in an item of non-perishable food/drink (no nuts) on Mufti day (Friday 24th Jun...
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