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School News

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  • 22/02/23

    Violet Class - Drama workshop

    Violet class took part in a drama session on Tuesday, bringing the story of 'The Magic Paintbrush' by Julia Donaldson to life. They used their bodies to recreate rivers and dragons and used lots of imagination when conjuring objects with the 'magic' paintbrush. Well done Violet Class...
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  • 20/02/23

    Young Artists Summer Show

    ART COMPETITION An opportunity for you to have your work displayed at the Royal Academy! The Royal Academy of Arts in London are holding a Young Artists Summer Show. Cardinal Newman Catholic Primary School has the opportunity to enter pieces of work to be judged and possibly to be put into the...
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  • 10/02/23

    Year 4 - Let's Connect

    Year 4 got together and discussed ways in which we could connect with each other.  We wrote our ideas on a piece of paper and joined them together in a paperchain. For more photos click here.
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  • 10/02/23

    Year 2 - Florence Nightingale

    Year 2 enjoyed wearing their costumes for the Florence Nightingale performance all day.
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  • 10/02/23

    TTRockstars 10.02.23

    Well done to this week's winners!
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  • 07/02/23

    Art Club

    Art Club enjoying a relaxing afternoon with watercolours. For more photos click here.
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  • 06/02/23

    Coral Class - Mission Week

    Coral class enjoyed a Mission week learning all about charity. We have been helping Auntie Agnes School in Uganda, by holding a book swap in school and collecting donations - we raised an incredible £260 and have collected a range of amazing books to send to the school library at Auntie Agnes...
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  • 03/02/23

    Reception Reading meeting 2nd February, 2023

    Please click here for the Reception reading meeting presentation. 
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  • 03/02/23

    Year 4 - Science Investigation

    Year 4 spent the afternoon investigating the best materials to use in ear defenders. The children remained in the same spot at the bell ringers moved along the tape measure a metre at a time and repeated the tests after discussing whether it was a fair test.  We decided that bubble wrap worked...
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  • 03/02/23

    Opal Class - Book Swap

    Opal Class enjoyed taking part in the book swap and were excited to try new authors. For more photos click here.
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  • 01/02/23

    Blue Class - Drama workshop

    Blue class took part in a drama session on Tuesday where they brought the story of 'The Magic Paintbrush' to life. They used their bodies to recreate key scenes and became the characters to produce a fantastic performance that Julia Donaldson herself would be proud of! Well done Blue class...
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  • 31/01/23

    Year 6 - Science talk

    On Friday 27th January Year 6 were very lucky to be able to speak to a pair of Antarctic scientists who are currently travelling in the Drake Passage.  We had loads of questions after studying polar regions in the Autumn term and learnt a lot about the weather and wildlife in Antarctica. T...
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