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School News

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  • 22/03/23

    Topaz Class - Drama Workshop

    Topaz brought the story of the 'The Magic Paintbrush' to life this week using their voices to act it out and their bodies to make the set and props! We thought about the difference between the things you actually 'need' and those you just 'want' and ended the session thinking...
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  • 17/03/23

    Year 5 - Science

    As part of our British Science Week activities year 5 investigated fingerprints. We learnt that each fingerprint is unique and trialled taking copies of our finger prints using ink, graphite pencil and cocoa powder.  Using magnifying lenses, we studied our prints to determine which of the commo...
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  • 17/03/23

    Year 2 football tournament

    Well done to the Year 2 children who took part in the tournament at St George's on Thursday.
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  • 17/03/23

    Year 2 - Wisley

    Year 2 had an amazing (but wet) time at Wisley Gardens. For more photos click here.
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  • 17/03/23

    Science Week

    As part of British Science Week, our focus was on ‘Connections’ – looking at the world around them and observing how everything is interconnected. The children took part in some activities during the day and had lots of fun! In addition, we welcomed McLaren who spoke to the childre...
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  • 17/03/23

    Year 4 - Hooke Court

    Year 4 had an amazing time on their residential trip to Hooke Court in Dorset to become immersed in all things Roman.                       During the action packed three days, the children visited a Roman town house in Dorchester, climb...
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  • 16/03/23

    EYFS & Y2 - Science

    EYFS and YR2 enjoyed a Science Week assembly based on rockets and the world of science around them. For more photos click here.
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  • 10/03/23

    Violet Class - Art

    Violet Class are learning about the artist Yayoi Kusama. She is famous for her paintings, sculptures and installations that use polka dots. For more photos click here.
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  • 10/03/23

    Year 2 - Science Fair

    Year 2 really enjoyed being part of the Science Fair this week. Here are some of the Blue Class entries from the day. We had so many entries that we held our own mini science fair in class where the children had the opportunity to share their projects and talk about what they had done. It was great...
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  • 10/03/23

    RE Workshop

    Last week we had the opportunity of taking two Year 4 pupils to join some other local Catholic schools for a RE workshop at St George's Junior School. The morning was led by Fr Andrew and focussed on scripture related to Mary.  The children had a fantastic time and enjoyed working with peer...
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  • 09/03/23

    Ruby Class - Drama and Art workshop

    Ruby Class brought the story of the 'The Magic Paintbrush' by Julia Donaldson to life this Tuesday. They used their imaginations, acted out the key characters and even used some physical theatre to recreate the dragon from the book. They then looked closely at the illustrations in the books...
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  • 09/03/23

    Opal Class - Science Presentations

    Opal Class really enjoyed preparing for the Science Fair and presenting their experiments and findings to the class. Great job everyone and congratulations to our winners and runners up! For more photos click here.
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