General Expectations in the Areas of Learning
In the Autumn term Children will be able to …
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- settle into school
- share and take turns
- engage enthusiastically in classroom learning activities
Physical Development
- hold a pencil correctly in a tripod grip (using 3 fingers)
- move in a variety of ways and can stop, start and change directions on a given signal
- can use space safely with an awareness of others
Communication and Language
- take turns in conversation
- show good listening skills – to look at the person speaking, to listen to all of the words
- respond appropriately to what they hear.
- learn and practise letter sounds
- learn and recognise instantly at least 25 key words
- write their own names and form most letters correctly
- recognise and begin to write numerals to at least 10
- consistently count accurately to at least 10 / 20
- describe and recognise 2D and 3D shapes
Understanding the World:
- be aware of the changing season and weather changes
- ask questions and investigate what’s around them
- know that everyone in different but still special
Expressive Arts and Design
- recognise how sounds can be changed – using both voice and instruments
- sing some familiar songs independently
- experiment with paint and a range of other media
- use their imagination in music, art, role play and construction