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Amethyst Class Mission Week

Amethyst Class engaged with interest and enthusiasm during their recent Mission Week. As every year, Year 6 were entrusted with the very special mission of welcoming new members of the community to our school. To help our new Reception children settle into life at Cardinal Newman School, Amethyst carried out a number of important jobs, including: writing welcome letters to their new buddies, reading with members of Red and Orange classes, writing and filming an important safety video to help the youngest members of our school stay safe during Opal Play, and making each child a special Blessing Bag, full of special symbols, prayers and wishes for their journey ahead.

Our attention also turned to those children who are unable to receive a full education due to illness. We proudly supported the Rainbow Trust, a charity which strives to support children, and their families, who suffer from life-long or terminal illnesses. Amethyst Class held their own bake sale at the end of their week to raise money for this worthy cause. We thank all parents who were able to support Amethyst Class in this important act of service. For more photos, please click here.