14th March, 2025
Dear Parents/ Guardians,
Another busy week in school. On Tuesday, Year 4 represented the school in a Primary Festival of Music at Dorking Halls, performing on stage in front of a packed auditorium. Every year I am so impressed with the children’s attitude and how they rise to the occasion of performing to so many people. We are all very proud of them and the quality of their singing. A big thank you to Mrs Kareem and all the staff involved in supporting the children in preparing for this fantastic performance.
Have a lovely weekend,
Gerry Flower
Catholic Life
Family Prayer Session
Please join us for our Family Prayer Session, which takes place every Friday morning from 8:15-8:30am in the school chapel. The aim is for families to gather and pray, the session is led by parents and all are welcome - please bring your children.
Follow the Mark 10 Mission here

Father Richard visit to Blue Class
Father Richard visited Blue Class on Tuesday to talk to them about their learning in R.E. We talked about how important music was and how some of the music that we use in the church to help us celebrate mass is extremely old. Father Richard explained that in many countries, Mass is said in the country's native language but there are parts of the Mass that will be said in the same language no matter where you are in the world. We can see examples of Latin and Ancient Greek used in Mass. Together we said the words; 'Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy.' Father Richard taught us how to sing these words in Greek, 'Kyrie Eleison' and we practised singing these together. Blue Class really enjoyed their visit from Father Richard and it really helped us to understand our learning in our R.E. lessons.

Jubilee Year 2025

A Prayer of Hope
Holy Spirit, our inspiration, in this Jubilee Year, you remind us of our call to grow in faith and love. Help us to hear you in scripture, to see Jesus in others, and to be united as God’s global family.
Guide us on our journey as pilgrims of hope.
Lourdes Pilgrimage Fundraiser

Gaelic Football Club

We are very excited to announce the return of the Gaelic Football club at Cardinal Newman school! This will take place on Friday Mornings 8:00 - 8:30 am, for girls and boys, year 4, 5 and 6. All abilities welcome. Starting Friday 21st March. There will be no charge for this club, but please sign up on Scopay. Please note a gumshield will be required. For more information, contact Gaelicfootballcn@outlook.com.
Tissue box donations
We would welcome any donations of boxes of tissues. Please can you drop them into the Office. Thank you
Mr Simpson's Brighton Marathon
This year I will be running the Brighton Marathon on Sunday 6th April for Alzheimer's Society. I will be running in memory of my amazing Gran who suffered with dementia the last few years of her life and for all people who suffer with dementia and their families. I would love to exceed my target and would greatly appreciate anything you can donate. Thank you. Mr Simpson
Please can we once again remind you to be mindful of your parking when collecting and dropping your children to school.
Parking is available in the Coronation Rec car park which is just a short walk away from school. Alternatively, you can park for free at Hersham station car park on Walton Park with a permit which you can obtain by emailing the school office your car re gistration plate.
Please also note that parents dropping their children off for Breakfast Club or any morning clubs are not allowed to park in the school car park.
13 Mar 2025
YR2 visited Hersham Library on Thursday 13th March. They learnt all about membership, borrowing books and taking care of books. Thank you to all the parent helpers for giving up their time to accompany the children on the walk.
For more photos, please click here.
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13 Mar 2025
On Wednesday, YR2 welcomed Eric from the Hersham fire station. He came in to speak to the children about fire safety and about the changes in fire fighting through time. The children were keen and enthusiastic throughout the presentation. They especially enjoyed making links to their Great Fire of L...
Message from the Governors
Dear all,
We wanted to update you on how we next plan to use the money from your donations to the Governors’ Fund to help our school.
We have agreed to fund the purchase of five new interactive whiteboards, which will replace existing models in KS1 and KS2 classrooms that are unfortunately reaching the end of their natural life.
Technological obsolescence is an inevitability and replacement can be a significant expense. As with the iPads, this is something that the Governors’ Fund can help the school cover.
With advancements in ICT, interactive whiteboards are considered integral educational tools that enhance learning and support teaching. Keeping them up to date enables teachers to take advantage of new media and teach innovatively.
If you don’t already give to the Governors’ Fund, may we ask that you consider it for 2025? You can donate to the Governors’ Fund here. Thank you for your generosity and for being such an important part of the Cardinal Newman community.
The Cardinal Newman School Governors

Parents Association Notes
To contact the PA, please email: PA@cardinalnewmanschool.co.uk
Movie Night - Friday 21st March

Spring Disco - 25th April

Summer Fair - 6th July, 3 - 6pm
More information to follow soon!
PA Parents' Summer Party - July 12th

Reception starters 2025
Please click here for more information on school applications if you have a child starting Reception in 2025.
Secondary school starters 2025
Please click here for more information on school applications if you have a child starting Year 7 in 2025.
Mobile phone use onsite
Please can we kindly remind you mobile phones should not be used onsite for safeguarding reasons. Thank you for your co-operation.
Brooklands Museum - School Membership card

If you would like to book the Brooklands Museum card for a weekend, please contact the office.
For more information about the museum, please visit www.brooklandsmuseum.com
National Online Safety: Wake Up Wednesday Guides for Parents
We would like to make you aware of our ‘online safety’ advice, guidance and support page called ‘Wake Up Wednesday - what parents / carers need to know’.
Wake Up Wednesday, created by The National College, aims to inform parents and carers on topics such as social media platforms, gaming, and IPad security. They include top tips, important reminders and reality checks on a wide range of online safety topics. They are a great resource to keep up to date with the issues children may encounter.
We will post relevant articles of interest that should help you and your child here on our website.

We thank you for your ongoing support in assuring the safety of our pupils online.
Teach Southeast Teacher Training

We always welcome people who want to discuss routes into teaching – we might be biased but we believe there is no better job than teaching young people and shaping the next generation! We would encourage anyone thinking of teaching to get in touch so that they can come to visit and find out more.
We are proud to be a partner school of Xavier Teach SouthEast, a SCITT (School Centred Initial Teacher Training) provider working in and around our local area. Xavier Teach SouthEast provides all trainees with high quality training, in both primary and secondary settings, to enable them to develop into competent and confident professionals.
Trainees are well prepared through first-rate complementary placements which ensure that they gain substantial practical experience, developing their evaluative and practical teaching skills effectively. In-school expert mentors and external subject trainers have consistently high expectations and work collaboratively to ensure training is coherent and highly relevant to the needs of trainees.
Xavier Teach SouthEast have had two consecutive Outstanding judgements and are highly regarded in the local area; we love working with them and hope you will too.
For more information please call them on 01932 578 682
Or visit the website to view their prospectus or sign up to a SCITT open morning www.teachsoutheast.co.uk
Xavier Catholic Education Trust Vacancies

To find out more about vacancies within the Xavier Catholic Education Trust, please click here
Spring Clubs and Camps
Plant Soccer Easter Camp
There is a discount code EASTER15 that can be used that can be used for our Easter camp we're running. We're running a Multi Sports Camp from Monday 7th April - Thursday 10th April.
Click the following link to book for Easter Camp

External Run Clubs Spring Term 2025
Please see details of external clubs here.
Teacher led Clubs Spring Term 2025
Please see details of teacher led clubs here.
After Crafts - Please find flyer here
Engineering club - Please find flyer here
Footbellas Girls Football Club - Please find flyer here.
French Club - Please find flyer here
Ballet - For more information, please click here
Chess Club - Please book via Scopay from September 2024
Gaelic Football Club - Please book via Scopay
Irish Dancing - Please email lgsoid@hotmail.co.uk
iRock - Please find flyer here
Judo class - Please contact Diane Capon on 07960 699 077 or email diane.capon@sky.com
Mini Dance Performers - Please click here for more information
MTech - an extracurricular music technology and creative composition course for children aged 7-13. For the flyer click here.
Spanish club - Please find flyer here
Ukulele club - Please book via Scopay. Dates this term are 6th November - 4th December. Please click here for more information.
Planet Soccer - Please click here for more information.
Homework Club (Y3-Y6)
Homework club runs from 3.15 pm - 4.15 pm Monday - Friday, cost is £5 (free if your child attends Whizz Kids after-school club). Please book and pay for via Scopay.
Music lessons - during school hours, music lessons can be arranged through Surrey Arts. Please contact them directly by telephone on 01483 519303, by email at surreyarts@surreycc.gov.uk or visit the Surrey Arts web page for more information. You can subscribe to the Surrey Arts newsletter here.
Lost Property
Please collect lost items from the lost property box in the KS1 playground. Please label everything clearly so it can be returned to the owner. Please note it can take some time for items to reach the lost property box depending on where they were lost.
Items not claimed from the lost property box will be disposed of periodically as it quickly builds up. Thank you.
Communicating with your child's teacher
Messages for teachers can be put in your child's reading/homework diary/bookbag, eg. pick up arrangements, homework issues, lost property, requesting a meeting with the teacher or anything else you would like the teacher to know.
For KS2 children, please remind your child to tell the teacher that the message is in there.
Absences should still be communicated via the office. (see below)
Pick-up notes
Please note that if someone other than a parent/carer is picking your child up, you need to let the teacher or the office know. Please put pick-up notes in your child's reading/ homework diary or bookbag.
For KS2 children, please remind your child to tell the teacher that the message is in there.
Children will not be released with someone else unless we have been notified of it.
If you do need to let the office know about a last minute pick-up change, please do so before 2 pm if possible.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Y6 Independent Walkers
If your child is in Y6 and you would like to let us know they will be walking home from school independently, please email the office.
Y6 Mobile Phones
If Y6 children wish to bring their mobile phone to school, they just need to drop the phone at the school office before school and collect it after school. Phones should be switched off please and not switched back on until children are off site.
No need to complete any form or email the office.
How to report your child being absent or sick
Please notify the school office every day your child is absent from school before 9 am so we can adjust dinner figures and complete the registers. Please either ring the school office on 01932 222536 and leave a voicemail or email absence@cardinalnewmanschool.co.uk. If you email us about an absence, you will not receive an acknowledgement reply due to the large volume of emails we receive in relation to this daily.
If your child has a stomach bug, they should not return to school until 48 hours after the last episode of illness.
Absence Request
If you require a school absence for your child for some reason, please email the school office with the details.
Surrey Adult Learning

NHS Parent Portal

At the start of the new academic year, we would like to remind you of the NHS school and parent resources available on inourplace to ease moving up transitions.
Click here for:
- easy-to-follow video resources for parents to help support emotional wellbeing during school transitions
- online learning and resources with tailored material for supporting children with additional needs and considerations
- signposts for practical support and ideas to ensure smooth transitions, including information on mobile phone use and technology
- extensive additional e-learning content for parents on childhood development and emotional health from 0-19+
Crisis Helpline

Children and Young People's Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Service

Sleep and why it matters
Please click here for information on Sleep and why it matters. More videos can be found on the Childrens Health Surrey website here
National Sleep Helpline: We are here to help
At any given time up to 40% of adults and 50% of children (this rises to 80% with a SEND diagnosis) have difficulties with their sleep. Yet in a recent survey, almost 60% of adults felt there was a lack of support for sleep issues. Sleep problems can leave people feeling isolated and lonely.
Our free helpline is run by trained sleep advisors, many of whom are specialists in working with SEND. We can talk to young people directly, or parents (we can also talk to adults, including older people, about their sleep issues).
The helpline is open 5 times a week, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday evenings 7-9pm, and Monday, Wednesday mornings 9-11am. The number is 03303 530 541.
You can read more here: https://thesleepcharity.org.uk/national-sleep-helpline/

Support groups and workshops for parents and carers
Parent Wellbeing Service, Barnardo's Referral Form
Please see information flyer here and referral form here for support from Barnardo's Parent Wellbeing Service.
Parish News
St Erconwald's Mass times
Weekday masses
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday - 9.30am, Tuesday - 7pm (Adoration & Reconciliation at 6:30pm)
Thursday No Mass
Weekend masses
Italian mass 4.45pm (except during August)
Vigil Saturday - 6pm
Family mass - 9.15am
Traditional mass - 11.15am
On the first Sunday of the month, we have our Polish Mass at 1pm
For updates, please check St Erconwald's website here.
The Parenting Course at St Erconwalds

Sign up here: https://sterconwalds.churchsuite.com/events/caxgnykq
St Barnabas and All Saints Mass times
All Saints, Hersham
5:30pm Saturday, Vigil Mass
9:00am Sunday, Mass
St Barnabas, Molesey
11:00am Sunday, Solemn Mass
6:00pm Sunday, Mass
For updates, please check St Barnabas' website here.
eSafety and Safeguarding
Reminder: Keeping children safe online and in the real world
At Cardinal Newman School we are always reminding the children how they can keep themselves safe whether in the real world or in the virtual world. Class teachers regularly use the Zones of Regulation to assess how the children in their classes are feeling. Children are encouraged to share their worries using the ‘What I want my teacher to know boxes’ which are in each Key Stage 2 classrooms and the Worry Monsters which can be found in the Keys Stage 1 Classrooms.
Information to support parents can be found on the school website here.
Please continue to report any safeguarding concerns to Mr Flower (Designated Safeguarding Lead) or Mrs Burnham (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead).
To see the full Calendar of Events, click here.
School Day: 8.40 am - 3.15 pm Office opening hours: 8.00 am - 4.00 pm Monday - Friday
Arch Road, Hersham, KT12 4QT T: 01932 222536 E: office@cardinalnewmanschool.co.uk