We are delighted to let you know that the latest bricks from the 'buy a brick' scheme for the school hall extension have been put up by our building contractor. Thank you to everyone who bought a brick, and of course to our regular donors. Without your donations, the wonderful school hall extension and tiered seating would not have been possible. We hope you will be able to enjoy finding your names when you are next in the school hall!
We would be grateful for any donations to help us with our next project: the development of the school playgrounds (Early Years and KS1).
It's really easy to make a donation to the Governor's Fund. If you would like to donate online, please click here . Any contributions gratefully received. Thank you for your support.
Learning Support Assistant Level 1 (XCET 3) Vacancy
We currently have a vacancy for a Learning Support Assistant Level 1 (XCET 3). For more information click here. The job description can be found here.
To apply for this job, please either complete and submit the online form on eTeach here or complete the Support Staff application here.
Please note that the closing date for applications is 7th December 2022
Arch Road Complaint – Drop-off/pick-up times
We have had complaints this week about parents texting/using their phones while driving to and from Arch Road. Please remember parents should not drive down Arch Road but if you do, please refrain from using your phone while driving. It is the busiest time of day with children and parents walking and cycling everywhere. Please be considerate of our school community and our neighbours and help keep everyone safe. Thank you for your co-operation.
Lourdes Pilgrimage fund - Staff 10k run on Sunday!
Some staff will be running the Weybridge 10k on Sunday 4th December. We would very much appreciate your support by making a donation on Scopay to the Lourdes Pilgrimage fund. Thank you.
Nut-free school
Please remember this is a nut-free school so children should not bring any items containing nuts onsite. Thank you.
Book Fair next week 5th - 9th December
Surrey Youth Choir and Surrey Youth Training Choir
Surrey Youth Choir and Surrey Youth Training Choir are holding their Christmas Concert at St Mary Oatlands Church at 7pm on Wednesday 7 December. The concert, which will include some beautiful Christmas music, will finish at around 8.20pm.
The concert is open to the public. Tickets are available on the door priced £10 for adults and £3 for concessions.
If any pupils are interested in joining one of these choirs, they will very happily have a chat with you after the performance.
Further to the information in the Advent letter that went home last week, here is the wishlist for Stripey Stork. Stripey Stork collect pre-loved baby and childrens items to re-home them with local families who are experiencing hardship. Their motto is 'if you'd give it to your best friend' then they are happy to receive it." Members of the prayer council will sort and deliver the items to the charity before the end of term.
We can receive your donations next week so please send them in up to Friday 9th December.
In addition, we are supporting St Erconwald's parish with their collection of new hats, scarves, gloves and thick socks for an orphanage in Ukraine. These items are also required by the end of next week.
Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Volunteering in School
We would be delighted with more volunteers in school. Please see a note from one Grandma who volunteers:
"I have been volunteering at Cardinal Newman for 9 years since my first grandchild started in Reception. I love it! You get a great sense of satisfaction from helping the extremely dedicated and hard working staff.
I listen to reading, cook with small individual groups, do sewing, help the little ones learn to write their names, stick work in books, sharpen pencils (with electric machine!). Basically anything to help the teacher and children. All you need is the DBS (Child Protection – the school will help you) and a smile. The school is happy for as much or as little time as you can give.
Please come and help. If anyone would like to chat to me, the school will organise this."
Nativity and carol concerts
The dates for the nativity and carol concert are as follows:
RECEPTION Nativity - 2pm Friday 9th December
YELLOW, VIOLET, TOPAZ - 2pm Tuesday 13th December
GREEN, BLUE, RUBY - 2pm Wednesday 14th December
Year 4 - 6 Carol Concert - 7pm Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th December. Letters re. tickets went out this week.
Day of Reconciliation
On Monday 5th December, we will be preparing ourselves spiritually by praying for forgiveness. Reception and Years 1 and 2 will partake in Godly Play before the Blessed Sacrament. Year 3 will have their first experience of Adoration. We are blessed to be able to offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation to our Year 4, 5 and 6 children with prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. The children will have a liturgy before being given the opportunity to see a priest for the sacrament. Parents are warmly invited to join us for the opportunity of the sacrament of Reconciliation during the afternoon.
Advent Preparation
Please see a lovely poem by one of the children.
Open Mornings
Wednesday 7th December 9 am – 10 am
Wednesday 11th January 10.30 am - 12.00
Please email the school office (office@cardinalnewmanschool.co.uk) to book a place giving your name and phone number.
Twelve15 Newsletter (School Lunch supplier)
Please click here for Twelve15's December Newsletter
School Dinners
Please remember to book school dinners on Scopay at least 1 week in advance or ring the school office before 9am if you have left it too late to book online for that day.
If your child has an allergy please make sure the school office is informed. Please check the menu carefully before booking lunch for your child.
Blue class got to work decorating the Environmental Area trees and making Christmas decorations for their trees at home. They also made mud pies, looked for bugs and built some amazing structures. Well done Blue Class! For more photos click here.
Coral class enjoyed learning about the shortest day of year and building structures that could capture the event. They also decorated real trees and made decorations for their own Christmas trees at home. Well done Coral Class. For more photos click here.
Further information on booking other external and internal clubs will follow shortly.
Homework Club (Y3-Y6)
Homework club is from 3.15 pm - 4.15 pm Monday - Friday, cost is £5 (free if your child attend's Whizz Kids after-school club). Please book and pay for it via Scopay.
Communicating with your child's teacher
Messages for teachers can be put in your child's reading/homework diary/bookbag, eg. pick up arrangements, homework issues, lost property, requesting a meeting with the teacher or anything else you would like the teacher to know.
For KS2 children, please remind your child to tell the teacher that the message is in there.
Absences should still be communicated via the office. (see below)
Pick-up notes
Please put pick-up notes in your child's reading/ homework diary or bookbag.
If you do need to let the office know about a last minute pick-up change, please do so before 2 pm if possible.
Y6 Independent Walkers
If your child is in Y6 and you would like to let us know they will be walking home from school, please just email the office.
How to report your child being absent or sick
Please notify the school office every day your child is absent from school before 9 am so we can adjust dinner figures and complete the registers. Please either ring the school office on 01932 222536 and leave a voicemail or email absence@cardinalnewmanschool.co.uk. If you email us about an absence, you will not receive an acknowledgement reply due to the large volume of emails we receive in relation to this daily.
If your child has a stomach bug, they should not return to school until 48 hours after the last episode of illness.
Absence Request
If you require a school absence for your child for some reason, please email the school office with the details.
Support for Parents & Carers of children with ASD and ADD/ADHD
Stepping Up For Autism Course Information 2022 click here.
Support groups and workshops for parents and carers
A virtual support group for parents and carers facilitated by the Hope Service and currently offered via Microsoft Teams. A safe space to share experiences, encourage and support each other. Help for the Helper and Care for the Carer. Click here for more information.
Parent Support
Parent Wellbeing Service
For more information on the Parent Wellbeing Service, please click here.
Parent Wellbeing Service, Barnardo's Referral Form
This form here is to be used by anyone referring a parent/carer to the Barnardo’s Parent Wellbeing Service outside of the CAMHS SPA referral pathway.
Healthy weight for children
Do you need help to achieve a healthy weight for your child? Please click here for more information.
Invite to ASD parent support group 2022
Support group for parents whose child is awaiting ASD assessment or just had a diagnosis. For more information and future dates please click the flyer here.
Sibling rivalry, healthy gaming habits, dealing with meltdowns and anxiety
Parents may find this useful. It has a very comprehensive range of information including sibling rivalry, healthy gaming habits, dealing with meltdowns and anxiety. Please click here
Wellbeing resources recommended by Dr Alison D'Amario, Educational Psychologist for the Xavier trust can be found here
'Supporting your Child's Wellbeing' Workshop - Please find presentation here from the workshop.
eSafety and Safeguarding
Reminder: Keeping children safe online and in the real world
At Cardinal Newman School we are always reminding the children how they can keep themselves safe whether in the real world or in the virtual world. Class teachers regularly use the Zones of Regulation to assess how the children in their classes are feeling. Children are encouraged to share their worries using the ‘What I want my teacher to know boxes’ which are in each Key Stage 2 classrooms and the Worry Monsters which can be found in the Keys Stage 1 Classrooms.
Information to support parents can be found on the school website here.
Please continue to report any safeguarding concerns to Mr Flower (Designated Safeguarding Lead) or Mrs Burnham (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead).