As always, time speeds up towards the end of a half term and the children have had a most exciting week awaiting the greatly anticipated Legoland Trip today! There has been a real buzz of excitement around the school all week and the children have been full of questions about it. We hope the day will fix in their memories that they were at Cardinal Newman’s School in the year of his canonisation. We have a few photos here, keep an eye out for some more when we return after half-term.
On Monday, the four children who attended the pilgrimage in Rome shared their experiences with the whole school. It was lovely for the other children to hear their stories - they shared a presentation of their daily experience in Rome and showed a ten minute montage of photos which give a flavour of the trip. If you’re interested, you can find this on the website here.
Well done to the children in Year 2 and Year 4 who led our KS1 and KS2 Harvest Liturgies for us – the standard of singing and performance was excellent and we were very proud of you! Huge thanks to all the parents who came and supported the children, as well as to all those who donated to our Harvest food collection. The children were particularly impressed by the enormous pumpkin which was centrepiece of our Harvest display! In the first week back after half term, the Year 6 Prayer Councillors will take all the donated foodstuffs to the Hersham Foodbank and learn about the important work they do supporting families through difficult times.
A date for your diaries: E-Safety Presentation at Holy Family School Tuesday 3 December at 7pm. This will be given by Sharon Girling, who many of you will remember as the former police officer who presented here at Cardinal Newman last summer. Her presentation was excellent and gave really practical up to date information for families trying to keep their children safe online. I would highly recommend going along if you possibly can. (Please contact Holy Family School to book a place). She will also be presenting at St Augustine’s in Frimley on Thursday 16 January and you are also welcome to attend there if the date is more convenient. Please do consider informing yourselves about this ever-present issue.
We wish you and your families a wonderful half-term break.
All best wishes
Catherine Burnham