Dear Parents
As you know, the children in Y1 to Y5 have had their Transition Day today and have enjoyed “moving up” to their new class for the day. You will have received a note explaining which class and teacher(s) your child will be moving up to in September and I trust you will be happy with that news. Allocation of classes is always a complex picture with many factors to take into consideration – the staff team and in particular SLT have worked hard to ensure that we provide the most appropriate provision for every cohort and we are happy with the balance we have achieved across the school.
As always at this time of year, we have some goodbyes to say:
Mrs Amy Toomey leaves us this summer to be closer to her family in Ireland. We wish her and her husband all the best for their return home.
Miss Megan O’Neil has accepted a promotion to another school within the Xavier CET and we wish her well in her new school and new role.
Mrs Becky Cox-Wilson leaves us this summer to support her husband and children at a busy time for their family and we wish her and her whole family all the best for the future.
Mrs Charlotte Cala has also accepted a new role within the Xavier CET and will work as an Art Consultant within the primary schools, so we will still see her sometimes at Cardinal Newman, but no longer in a class teacher role.
Mr David O’Brien joined us last year on a one year contract and is now moving to a class teacher role in a different school. We are grateful for his hard work and wish him all the best.
Of course, along with the goodbyes come an opportunity to welcome new faces to our teaching team and we are delighted to have the following staff joining us next term:
Miss Catherine Stainton (Y1 Yellow)
Mrs Clare Bertram (Y1 Green)
Mrs Chudamani Clowes (Y3 Ruby)
Mrs Kathryn Gautheron (Y3 Topaz)
Mr Adam Joice (Y5 Emerald)
We are also fortunate to have Mrs Margot Kareem (our pianist) joining us as a Music Teacher in September with a focus on PPA cover, in the role previously filled by Mr Stoeser. This will enable us to further improve our Music provision and we look forward to some wonderful performances from the children in the new academic year!
You will have an opportunity to meet your child’s new class teacher(s) at the Partners in Learning evening on 12 September and to find out all about the learning in their new year group. If there is any information about equipment or homework for the year group, it will come home before the end of term and will also be posted on the website for your reference.
Finally, congratulations to our Year 2 children on their wonderful production on Thursday. Many parents and grandparents spoke to me to congratulate the school on preparing them so well and enabling them to perform with such confidence. Well done Year 2 children! And a huge thank you to the Y2 staff team who worked so hard to prepare the children.
Wishing you every blessing for the weekend.
All best wishes
Catherine Burnham